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| Validating and Encouraging Dreams

NPO Number: 272-205

It is of importance that a child has a healthy and nurturing upbringing, It is their right to have access to things that will benefit them for the better in the long run and unfortunately that is
not always the case, Life is unpredictable and so is the situation you are born into sometimes.
Water Child was initially established through two orphans we encountered while in Johannesburg December 2016, Who had no parental direction and through that an
idea of Water Child was born. Our goal at Water Child is to provide comfort and
direction to children without it.
Who are we to deprive children of a second chance in life?
We believe that love is all a child needs accompanied by other necessities.
If the biological parent is unable to do it, We will ensure that we assist the
very best way we can, happily and gladly.
We are the bridge.
This channel is coming soon!
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