Our Story
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
The Water Child organisation was inspired by two children whom we had met on a short trip in December 2016, Johannesburg. With instant connection I began photographing them as a conceptual series with permission from their mother, In the little time we were there my interest in photographing these little ones turned into curiosity, With not too much force I began to learn them and their story.
I went to their home to meet their Grandmother who seemed to be with them most of the time. I wanted to make my intentions clear with her grandkids (Who are illustrated as the Water Child logo) It was important for her to understand my creative interest in her Grandchildren and not feel offended or violated every time I point my Canon at her babies, with no hesitation one morning I introduced myself and told her how I'd grown fond of the twins and that they've managed to inspire me greatly creatively and professionally, Mentioning to her how I found their spirit and personality to be beautifully enticing. In the midst of my speech I took a moment to observe their surroundings. I noticed a lot of worrisome conditions, I was not happy with their living status and instantly I wanted to help.
When we relocated to a place where we would be closer to work. I was happy to be back in the suburbs but the life I saw of those children was just a trigger of a lot that I could do to assist. Tragically in the same month I met them their biological mother who I had briefly met was involved in a car accident and sadly she did not survive it and now their grandmother was the only one left to take care of them I got worried about their financial upbringing, education, food, clothing and the necessities that come with growing up and that is how the Water child organisation came into an idea.
We want these children and many others like them to have a proper education just as they deserve. We want them not to worry about what to eat or wearing torn clothing with no one looking out for them. The Water Child organisation is set to stop children from growing up in unfathomable conditions.
Having grown up in the township/ rural areas we have unfortunately seen way too much of the same or similar conditions whereby children are born into poverty or are just simply neglected from as young as birth. Water Child exists to create a bridge between what is and what could be.
I​f we want to change the South Africa we are in right now,It has to start with the children. Raise them right through allowing their character or abilities to develop fully as well as wholesomely, and the future looks way better than it does now. It is up to us now to empower and inspire the generation that comes after us so that they look after the one that follows them and just like that we have a better world. Small changes for bigger impacts is what we strive for.
Water Child brings hope.